
How To Stop Overthinking - 5 Ways to Deal With Negative Thoughts

Co Action Health
5 mins
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When someone goes to the doctor and says “I hear a voice in my head”, they’ll most likely be sent to see a psychiatrist.

But just how different to you are they really?

In a similar way, virtually everyone hears a voice in their head, all the time.

An involuntary thought process and continuous monologue narrating, judging, analysing, comparing, complaining and doubting.

Most people live in conflict with their minds, struggling to find a moments peace and silence.

Not be able to stop thinking is a dreadful affliction that we don’t recognise because it’s become the norm.

Overthinking is a Problem, Not Your Personality

Perhaps the most important skill you could ever have is the ability to manage your thoughts.

I’ll hold my hands up - I’m slightly biased as this area is my job and my passion.

But think about it - you’re constantly thinking.

Our thinking shows up at home, at work, in your spare time.

Our internal voice follows us wherever we go, providing a running commentary of our every move, often in a critical and negative way - whether we like it or not.

Your thoughts are constantly there, so regaining control of your brain and managing what goes on in your mind is a critical skill you need - whatever, whenever and wherever the situation - 24/7.

Thoughts vs Thinking

Can you be free of the mind whenever you want to? Have you found the off button?

If not - which is most of us - then the mind is using you.

This is where I’d draw the distinction between thoughts & thinking.

  • Our thinking is an active, controlled process.
  • Our thoughts happen to us, it’s a passive process often driven by fear.

Your mind is an incredibly useful instrument when used correctly, when we direct our thinking with an objective in mind.

This is thinking - present moment, directed doing.

Your mind should be a tool that you use for a specific task - to solve a problem, to find solutions and direct action - and when the task is complete, we lay it down.

But it only works like this maybe 10% of the time.

A lot of the time we don’t use our mind like this - our mind uses us.

Your Thoughts Are Incredibly Inaccurate

Random, weird, irrational, negative, destructive thoughts pop up out of no where, often when we least expect them and at the worst of times.

The mind creates certain stories, often based on fear and resistance, but we listen to, believe and identify with these thoughts - because why would we lie to ourselves?

And herein lies the problem, we trust the voice and see it as us.

We identify with our negative voice, even though it’s incredibly negative and inaccurate.

  • You have between 60-80k thoughts per day
  • 80% are negative
  • 98% of what we worry about never comes true.

The reason why these numbers are important is because they illustrate something that’s really important - you don’t control all your thoughts - your are not your thoughts!

You couldn’t possibly actively choose to generate 60-80k thoughts a day and I don’t know anyone who’d choose for 4/5 of their thoughts to be negative - that’d be a miserable way to live life!

So what can we do about it?

The goal isn’t to get rid of all negative thoughts, it’s to learn how to deal with them.

5 Ways To Deal With Negative Thoughts

Most people never learn how to combat what goes on in their mind, so here’s 5 techniques to manage your mind and stop overthinking.

They’re split into 2 different categories of Cognitive Detachment and Cognitive Reframing.

Cognitive Detachment

1. Name the character - Give your overthinking mind a name. Anxious Annie, nervous Nelly, irrational Rachael. This may sound silly but when we give our negative thoughts a name, it helps recognise they’re not us and creates separation.

2. Colour Breathe - Imagine your negative thoughts and feelings are a coloured cloud inside your head - what colour would they be? Red, black, grey? Now attach your thoughts to this coloured cloud inside your head, take a deep breath in, and do a long, slow exhale, visualising yourself exhaling the cloud of negativity. Deep breathing down regulates our nervous system and the visual element feels like a physical release.

3. Mindfulness - Mindfulness, put simply, is present moment, non-judgemental awareness. It trains us to be present, with a quiet mind, allowing negative thoughts to pass on rather than spiral. Mindfulness is the best form of mental training to help you stop overthinking. Download our free Mindfulness Recording here.

Cognitive Reframing

4. Cognitive reframing is a classic psychological technique that helps us spot, challenge and replace negative, irrational and unhelpful thoughts and beliefs. Try the 3 C’s as a simple approach to reframing. Catch the negative thought before it spirals and leads to further emotion. Check whether the thought is accurate and helpful. Change it to something that’s more helpful and creates a more positive behavioural response.

5. Adopt Beliefs / Model Mindset - Think of someone you really look up to who has a great mindset. Then ask yourself - “how would I think/feel/behave if I was *person*?”. Rather than fighting or arguing our current thoughts, this allows us to bypass and sidestep our inner chatter and engage with a new belief by adopting the mindset of someone else.

Maybe the problem isn’t the problem. The problem is your thinking about the problem.

You don’t have to use all 5 of these techniques, but pick one and use it deliberately.

Overthinking is a problem, it’s not something you should have to just accept and put up with.

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"For a successful wellbeing strategy, companies have to pick the right partners and wellbeing champions. That's why working with Ben and the Co-Action Health team has been invaluable. They're comprehensive and holistic in their approach to health, and have supported the Kurogo team in creating a robust wellbeing strategy which covers all the pillars of wellbeing. Co-Action Health are not only knowledgeable, but they listen to us and have created bespoke, personalised workshops and resources."

Lewis Baxter

COO, Kurogo

"We delivered this course to our senior leadership team - It's like Co-Action Health know exactly what we need."

Lindsay Barratt

HR Manager, Magna Vitae Trust for Leisure and Culture

"We wanted to offer our people a much more structured review to both Physical and Mental Health in line with the organisational strategy. Co-Action Health have been greatly received and has had a positive impact on staff engagement. We are very much looking forward to our continued relationship with Co-Action and offering greater services from them to the business."

Kate Durant

HR Manager, DTB Europe

"Co-Action Health are reliable, efficient, and provide clear health surveillance reports. Whilst delivering at a very competitive price, they are our preferred supplier."

Jayne Bellenie

Managing Director, JB Engineering

"Co-Action Health recently carried out full Health Surveillance on all Lindhurst Engineering employees and we couldn’t recommend them enough. They provided an excellent service over the 3 days they were on site and the accompanying reports arrived promptly and were clear and helpful. We will definitely look to work with Co-Action Health again in the future."

Pippa Spriggs

Executive PA, Lindhurst Engineering

"I've worked with Jake & Ben for nearly 12 months now, delivering workshops to our workforce to ensure we provide our staff with support and a healthy work environment to be the best they can be. Jake & Ben's knowledge is incredible and they deliver using passion, drive, understanding and focus. I couldn't recommend working with them both enough, you won't be disappointed."

Lindsay Barratt

HR Manager, Magna Vitae Trust for Leisure and Culture

“I was blown away by the quality of the information, how it was communicated and how they made it applicable to our situation”

“I was blown away by the quality of the information, how it was communicated and how they made it applicable to our situation”

"It was really engaging and thought-provoking"

"It was really engaging and thought-provoking"

"Thought provoking talk"

"Thought provoking talk"

"I enjoyed the way Jake delivered the course, explained things and interacted with everyone"

"I enjoyed the way Jake delivered the course, explained things and interacted with everyone"

"It helped everyone collectively stop, take a step off the wheel and examine how we can make a bigger difference to ourselves, professionally and personally."

"It helped everyone collectively stop, take a step off the wheel and examine how we can make a bigger difference to ourselves, professionally and personally."

"Jake was really engaging"

"Jake was really engaging"

"I enjoyed Jake's knowledge, delivery and the breakouts"

"I enjoyed Jake's knowledge, delivery and the breakouts"

"Very informative- helped me reflect and introspect whilst connecting with my work peers."

"Very informative- helped me reflect and introspect whilst connecting with my work peers."

"It helps you identify your patterns, which you don't think about in day to day life."

"It helps you identify your patterns, which you don't think about in day to day life."

"Thank you so much for an amazing workshop!"

"Thank you so much for an amazing workshop!"

"I am really enjoying the Healthy Habits course. I think it’s really good and is absolutely getting me focussed."

"I am really enjoying the Healthy Habits course. I think it’s really good and is absolutely getting me focussed."

“I enjoyed how well the information was not only conveyed but also applied to our specific circumstances. I feel like I've left with a clear idea of how to use the knowledge gained moving forward”

“I enjoyed how well the information was not only conveyed but also applied to our specific circumstances. I feel like I've left with a clear idea of how to use the knowledge gained moving forward”

"This course was great. The questions are really evocative and give an immediate diagnostic, which whets the appetite.The platform is slick with a contemporary style and is enticing with the links to more info."

"This course was great. The questions are really evocative and give an immediate diagnostic, which whets the appetite.The platform is slick with a contemporary style and is enticing with the links to more info."

“Outstanding workshop”

“Outstanding workshop”

“I wish it was longer! That's how much I loved it”

“I wish it was longer! That's how much I loved it”

"A really good reset and to get myself back in to a routine of the things that 'make me feel good'"

"A really good reset and to get myself back in to a routine of the things that 'make me feel good'"

"Really informative , right balance of guest speaker and team interaction"

"Really informative , right balance of guest speaker and team interaction"

"Best workshop I have been to"

"Best workshop I have been to"

"Made me more aware of getting a work life balance"

"Made me more aware of getting a work life balance"

“I was blown away by the quality of the information, how it was communicated and how they made it applicable to our situation”

“I was blown away by the quality of the information, how it was communicated and how they made it applicable to our situation”

"It was really engaging and thought-provoking"

"It was really engaging and thought-provoking"

"Thought provoking talk"

"Thought provoking talk"

"I enjoyed the way Jake delivered the course, explained things and interacted with everyone"

"I enjoyed the way Jake delivered the course, explained things and interacted with everyone"

"It helped everyone collectively stop, take a step off the wheel and examine how we can make a bigger difference to ourselves, professionally and personally."

"It helped everyone collectively stop, take a step off the wheel and examine how we can make a bigger difference to ourselves, professionally and personally."

"Jake was really engaging"

"Jake was really engaging"

"I enjoyed Jake's knowledge, delivery and the breakouts"

"I enjoyed Jake's knowledge, delivery and the breakouts"

"Very informative- helped me reflect and introspect whilst connecting with my work peers."

"Very informative- helped me reflect and introspect whilst connecting with my work peers."

"It helps you identify your patterns, which you don't think about in day to day life."

"It helps you identify your patterns, which you don't think about in day to day life."

"Thank you so much for an amazing workshop!"

"Thank you so much for an amazing workshop!"

"I am really enjoying the Healthy Habits course. I think it’s really good and is absolutely getting me focussed."

"I am really enjoying the Healthy Habits course. I think it’s really good and is absolutely getting me focussed."

“I enjoyed how well the information was not only conveyed but also applied to our specific circumstances. I feel like I've left with a clear idea of how to use the knowledge gained moving forward”

“I enjoyed how well the information was not only conveyed but also applied to our specific circumstances. I feel like I've left with a clear idea of how to use the knowledge gained moving forward”

"This course was great. The questions are really evocative and give an immediate diagnostic, which whets the appetite.The platform is slick with a contemporary style and is enticing with the links to more info."

"This course was great. The questions are really evocative and give an immediate diagnostic, which whets the appetite.The platform is slick with a contemporary style and is enticing with the links to more info."

“Outstanding workshop”

“Outstanding workshop”

“I wish it was longer! That's how much I loved it”

“I wish it was longer! That's how much I loved it”

"A really good reset and to get myself back in to a routine of the things that 'make me feel good'"

"A really good reset and to get myself back in to a routine of the things that 'make me feel good'"

"Really informative , right balance of guest speaker and team interaction"

"Really informative , right balance of guest speaker and team interaction"

"Best workshop I have been to"

"Best workshop I have been to"

"Made me more aware of getting a work life balance"

"Made me more aware of getting a work life balance"

“I was blown away by the quality of the information, how it was communicated and how they made it applicable to our situation”

“I was blown away by the quality of the information, how it was communicated and how they made it applicable to our situation”

"It was really engaging and thought-provoking"

"It was really engaging and thought-provoking"

"Thought provoking talk"

"Thought provoking talk"

"I enjoyed the way Jake delivered the course, explained things and interacted with everyone"

"I enjoyed the way Jake delivered the course, explained things and interacted with everyone"

"It helped everyone collectively stop, take a step off the wheel and examine how we can make a bigger difference to ourselves, professionally and personally."

"It helped everyone collectively stop, take a step off the wheel and examine how we can make a bigger difference to ourselves, professionally and personally."

"Jake was really engaging"

"Jake was really engaging"

"I enjoyed Jake's knowledge, delivery and the breakouts"

"I enjoyed Jake's knowledge, delivery and the breakouts"

"Very informative- helped me reflect and introspect whilst connecting with my work peers."

"Very informative- helped me reflect and introspect whilst connecting with my work peers."

"It helps you identify your patterns, which you don't think about in day to day life."

"It helps you identify your patterns, which you don't think about in day to day life."

"Thank you so much for an amazing workshop!"

"Thank you so much for an amazing workshop!"

"I am really enjoying the Healthy Habits course. I think it’s really good and is absolutely getting me focussed."

"I am really enjoying the Healthy Habits course. I think it’s really good and is absolutely getting me focussed."

“I enjoyed how well the information was not only conveyed but also applied to our specific circumstances. I feel like I've left with a clear idea of how to use the knowledge gained moving forward”

“I enjoyed how well the information was not only conveyed but also applied to our specific circumstances. I feel like I've left with a clear idea of how to use the knowledge gained moving forward”

"This course was great. The questions are really evocative and give an immediate diagnostic, which whets the appetite.The platform is slick with a contemporary style and is enticing with the links to more info."

"This course was great. The questions are really evocative and give an immediate diagnostic, which whets the appetite.The platform is slick with a contemporary style and is enticing with the links to more info."

“Outstanding workshop”

“Outstanding workshop”

“I wish it was longer! That's how much I loved it”

“I wish it was longer! That's how much I loved it”

"A really good reset and to get myself back in to a routine of the things that 'make me feel good'"

"A really good reset and to get myself back in to a routine of the things that 'make me feel good'"

"Really informative , right balance of guest speaker and team interaction"

"Really informative , right balance of guest speaker and team interaction"

"Best workshop I have been to"

"Best workshop I have been to"

"Made me more aware of getting a work life balance"

"Made me more aware of getting a work life balance"

“I was blown away by the quality of the information, how it was communicated and how they made it applicable to our situation”

“I was blown away by the quality of the information, how it was communicated and how they made it applicable to our situation”

"It was really engaging and thought-provoking"

"It was really engaging and thought-provoking"

"Thought provoking talk"

"Thought provoking talk"

"I enjoyed the way Jake delivered the course, explained things and interacted with everyone"

"I enjoyed the way Jake delivered the course, explained things and interacted with everyone"

"It helped everyone collectively stop, take a step off the wheel and examine how we can make a bigger difference to ourselves, professionally and personally."

"It helped everyone collectively stop, take a step off the wheel and examine how we can make a bigger difference to ourselves, professionally and personally."

"Jake was really engaging"

"Jake was really engaging"

"I enjoyed Jake's knowledge, delivery and the breakouts"

"I enjoyed Jake's knowledge, delivery and the breakouts"

"Very informative- helped me reflect and introspect whilst connecting with my work peers."

"Very informative- helped me reflect and introspect whilst connecting with my work peers."

"It helps you identify your patterns, which you don't think about in day to day life."

"It helps you identify your patterns, which you don't think about in day to day life."

"Thank you so much for an amazing workshop!"

"Thank you so much for an amazing workshop!"

"I am really enjoying the Healthy Habits course. I think it’s really good and is absolutely getting me focussed."

"I am really enjoying the Healthy Habits course. I think it’s really good and is absolutely getting me focussed."

“I enjoyed how well the information was not only conveyed but also applied to our specific circumstances. I feel like I've left with a clear idea of how to use the knowledge gained moving forward”

“I enjoyed how well the information was not only conveyed but also applied to our specific circumstances. I feel like I've left with a clear idea of how to use the knowledge gained moving forward”

"This course was great. The questions are really evocative and give an immediate diagnostic, which whets the appetite.The platform is slick with a contemporary style and is enticing with the links to more info."

"This course was great. The questions are really evocative and give an immediate diagnostic, which whets the appetite.The platform is slick with a contemporary style and is enticing with the links to more info."

“Outstanding workshop”

“Outstanding workshop”

“I wish it was longer! That's how much I loved it”

“I wish it was longer! That's how much I loved it”

"A really good reset and to get myself back in to a routine of the things that 'make me feel good'"

"A really good reset and to get myself back in to a routine of the things that 'make me feel good'"

"Really informative , right balance of guest speaker and team interaction"

"Really informative , right balance of guest speaker and team interaction"

"Best workshop I have been to"

"Best workshop I have been to"

"Made me more aware of getting a work life balance"

"Made me more aware of getting a work life balance"

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