Designing a healthy workplace of the future

Health at Work Management Standards

Keeping you compliant with HSE's stress and mental health regulations.

Why This Course Matters

Addressing Workplace Challenges

Effective health training is essential for organisations to reduce absenteeism, enhance productivity, and ensure compliance with regulations. This course equips managers with the necessary skills and knowledge to create a supportive and healthy work environment, ultimately benefiting both employees and the organisation as a whole.

Increased Absenteeism

Health issues often lead to increased absenteeism, disrupting productivity and workflow. Understanding and managing health proactively can significantly reduce the number of sick days.

Reduced Productivity

Employees struggling with health problems, whether physical or mental, are less productive. This course provides strategies to create a supportive environment, boosting overall productivity.

Legal and Compliance Risks

Failing to comply with health and safety regulations can lead to legal issues and financial penalties. Our course ensures your organisation meets all legal requirements, protecting you from potential liabilities.

Employee Morale and Retention

A workplace that neglects employee health can suffer from low morale and high turnover rates. By prioritising health and well-being, you foster a positive work culture that retains top talent.

Management Stress and Burnout

Managers often face stress and burnout when dealing with employee health issues without the proper tools and knowledge. This course equips them with the skills needed to handle these challenges effectively, reducing their own stress.

Financial Impact

Health-related issues can lead to significant financial losses for organisations. Investing in this course helps mitigate these costs by promoting a healthier, more efficient workforce.

Six Key Areas of Organisational Structure and Design

The Government’s Health and Safety Executive have proposed six key areas of organisational structure and design, which contribute to a healthy working environment.

register a place

Leadership and Management

Understanding the role of leadership in fostering a healthy work environment.


Employee Engagement

Strategies to enhance employee involvement and commitment.


Communication and Transparency

Ensuring open and honest communication within the organization.


Workplace Design

Physical and structural elements that promote well-being.


Work-Life Balance

Policies and practices that support employees' personal lives.


Continuous Improvement

Encouraging ongoing development and feedback.

our solution

Building Strategies to Combat Stress and Ill-Health

This course is a one day session for managers to understand the main organisational causes of stress and ill-health within a business and build strategies to overcome and prevent them.

register a place

The course provides attendees with knowledge and understanding of the 6 key areas of organisational design that influence our health the most. It builds on these 6 key areas for managers to better understand how to measure and identify themes and common issues.


We then go through an example action plan to show strategies and good practice, before building your own in the session. Under our guidance, you will create your own organisational health action plan.


Leave the session with a practical plan to implement in your organisation. This ensures you can immediately apply the strategies and systems learned during the course, leading to a healthier, more productive work environment.

what’s involved

Learning Objectives

Highlight your own areas for improvement

Develop a critical eye for assessing workplace health dynamics.

Understand the importance of workplace health for performance and success.

Identify key factors that contribute to a healthy work environment.

Attendees will gain a knowledge of how organisational design influences staff health.

Learn how different organizational structures can influence employee well-being

Implement and Evaluate Health Strategies

Learn how to effectively implement your Health at Work Action Plan.

Apply session materials to real life situations in your workplace

Use real-life examples to implement health-focused changes.

Create your own Health at Work Action Plan to take back to your workplace and implement immediately

Outline specific steps and initiatives to promote a healthier work environment.

the benefit

Transform Your Workplace Health

Maximising the benefits of health-focused management for organisational success.

High Return on Investment

Companies investing in these strategies see a remarkable £6:1 return on their investment.

Top-Down Approach for Maximum Impact

Ensuring buy-in from the top levels of the organisation helps to embed healthy practices throughout the company culture.

Improved Health, Morale, and Performance

Improved employee well-being directly contributes to increased business performance.

Expansion and Growth

Healthy workplaces are more likely to succeed and expand.

Risk Identification and Prevention

Implementing preventative measures reduces the likelihood of costly health-related issues down the line.

"We delivered this course to our senior leadership team - It's like Co-Action Health know exactly what we need."

Lindsay Barratt

HR Manager, Magna Vitae Trust for Leisure and Culture

"For a successful wellbeing strategy, companies have to pick the right partners and wellbeing champions. That's why working with Ben and the Co-Action Health team has been invaluable. They're comprehensive and holistic in their approach to health, and have supported the Kurogo team in creating a robust wellbeing strategy which covers all the pillars of wellbeing. Co-Action Health are not only knowledgeable, but they listen to us and have created bespoke, personalised workshops and resources."

Lewis Baxter

COO, Kurogo

The Itinerary

This course can be delivered as a one day course, in-house or online.

vacant sofa chairs beside glass windowby Jan Antonin Kolar


The morning itinerary is theory based, developing your knowledge and ability to identify areas within the organisation that could be improved, or at high risk to health.

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Build your own action plan within your team and organisation to begin to highlight areas for improvement and build your strategy, guided by your experienced health professional facilitator.

let's get started

Ready to Build Effective Strategies to Combat Stress and Ill-Health? Let's Connect.

Empower your managers with the knowledge and tools to tackle organisational stress and promote well-being. Take the first step towards a healthier workplace.