co-action health

Drug and Alcohol Testing

Maintain a safe and clean workplace with comprehensive testing solutions.

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Our testing solutions are designed to protect your workforce and ensure a safe working environment.

Drug and alcohol testing is a critical component of workplace safety, helping to identify and deter substance abuse among employees.

how it works

Drug and alcohol testing tailored to your needs

Efficient Testing Methods

Our testing procedures include random sampling and instant drug and alcohol testing, enabling swift and accurate assessment of employee compliance with substance abuse policies.

Follow up support

Many workplaces are moving away from instant dismissal, opting instead to support their employee with substance abuse and addiction counselling. Our dedicated team of addiction counselling specialists can help.

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Post-Incident Assessment

Following workplace incidents, our testing protocols help determine if substance abuse contributed to the event, ensuring accountability and promoting safety.

Comprehensive Analysis Process

We maintain a full, detailed chain of custody to ensure that the whole testing and analysis procedure are documented to the finest detail, ensuring legal and regulatory compliance.

Trusted Lab Partners

We are partnered with trusted laboratories for escalations of non-negative tests enhanced testing and analysis requirements.  

the benefit

Keep your workplace safe and clean.

Enhanced Workplace Safety

Drug and alcohol testing promotes a safer work environment by deterring substance abuse, reducing the risk of accidents, injuries, and potential harm to employees and others.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Implementing drug and alcohol testing ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, mitigating the risk of fines, legal penalties, and reputational damage for non-compliance.

Early Detection of Substance Abuse

Regular testing enables the early detection of substance abuse issues among employees, allowing for timely intervention, support, and rehabilitation to address underlying health concerns.

Risk Mitigation and Liability Protection

By identifying and addressing substance abuse issues promptly, testing protects against workplace accidents and liabilities associated with impaired performance, absenteeism, and compromised safety standards.

let's get started

Want to maintain a safe and clean workplace with comprehensive testing solutions? Work with us.